CHoir and DRama

All information about Choir, General Music, History of Rock and Roll, and Theatre Arts can be found on my new website. Follow the link below: 

Dixie High School Concert Choir

The Dixie High School Concert Choir is a group of around 40 singers from grades 9-12 who perform on a regular basis throughout the community and state. The music performed varies from classical and traditional literature to pop and rock music.

Each year, the DHS Concert Choir competes in the OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Event, where they are assessed by 4 judges on musical literacy, skill, ability, and sight reading. The group also travels to various destinations including: Cleveland, Columbus, New York City, Washington DC, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Toronto and New York City. 

Dixie Chamber Singers & The Dixie Wanderers

Created in 2015, the Dixie High School Chamber Singers is a select, audition-based group of around 10 singers for students grades 10-12. The Chamber Singers perform more advanced classical and jazz repertoire. 

Each year, the Dixie Chamber Singers travel to OMEA Solo and Ensemble, where they perform and compete in small group competition, where they are judged on musical literacy, ability and skill. The groups also travel overnight to various destinations. Past trips include; Cleveland, Columbus, New York City, Washington DC, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Toronto. During Spring break of 2019, the Chamber Singers, Concert Choir and A'capella traveled to New York where they attended Wicked, and met the cast after the show. They also got to travel to Liberty and Ellis Island, the 9/11 Memorial, One World Trade Center Observation Deck (the tallest building in the United States), Rockefeller Center, NBC Studios and Central Park. 

The Acapella group are an auditioned group of singers that perform challenging Acapella pop and jazz music. They perform at choir concerts and travel around the community, performing at nursing homes and hospitals. Each year, the group will attend several festivals and competitions. 

Dixie Middle School Choir

The Dixie Middle School Choir is a group of around 60 students from grades 7 and 8 who perform on a regular basis throughout the community and state. Music performed varies from classical and traditional literature to pop and rock music. Each year, the choir competes in the OMEA Large Group Adjudicated Event or another adjudicated event where they are assessed on musical skill and ability. They are seen frequently at Kings Island, where they perform for Music in the Park. 

Dixie 5th and 6th Grade General Music 

The DMS general music classes will learn about the fundamentals of music through songs, movement, instruments playing, activities and games. They will also use to supplement what they are learning in class. Just click on to get to the website. Click login in the top right corner. 

Theatre Arts & History of Rock and Roll: 

This year I will be teaching two online courses: History of Rock and Roll, and Theatre Arts. Both will be accessable through the Google Classroom. Students will find all assignments, activities, and notes in the Google Classroom. Students will receive an email invite from me to log into the Google Classrooms.