Continuous Improvement Plan

The New Lebanon Local School District is committed to maintaining a district-wide focus on high achievement for all students. The District Leadership Team uses a data-driven decision-making process to identify critical needs for the district as a whole and for each school. Based on these needs, the Team developed a three-year plan with goals and research-based strategies. During the next three years, we will continue to collect, review, and analyze data to make sure our instructional practices are having a positive impact on student performance.

The following Goals and Strategies are critical in our Continuous Improvement Plan:

Goal 1

By 06/30/2027 NLLS will improve the performance of All Students, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade, Ninth Grade, Tenth Grade students at/in New Lebanon Local School District to increase 7.00 indicators met in Reading/Literacy using State Report Card. 

Student Measure #1 

Every Semester, English Language Arts - District Short Cycle Assessments of All Students will be monitored by the Curriculum Director, with an overall improvement of increase of 25.00 % of students proficient by the end of the plan. 

Strategies and Actions 

Formative Instructional Practices: Implement high-quality, standards-aligned instruction with fidelity, using district-approved curriculum 

Action Steps 

Adult Measure #1 

Every Quarter, English Language Arts - Participation of English Language Arts Teachers will be monitored by the Curriculum Director, with an overall improvement increase of 30.00 % by the end of the plan. 

Action Steps

Goal 2

By 06/30/2027 we will improve the performance of All Students students at/in New Lebanon Local School District to increase 4.00 % in Attendance.

Student Measure #1 

Attendance of All Students will be monitored by the Principal, with an overall improvement increase of 4.00 % by the end of the plan. 

Strategies and Actions 

Implementation of direct instruction regarding the importance of strong attendance and attendance intervention planning with the families of students in need of attendance intervention. 

Action Steps 

Adult Measure #1 

Participation of All Staff will be monitored by the Principal and curriculum Director, with an overall improvement of increase 30.00 % by the end of the plan. 

Action Steps

Goal 3

By 06/30/2027 we will improve the performance of All Students and Parent Involvement, All Grades students at/in New Lebanon Local School District to increase 10.00 % greater involvement in selected activities in participation using engagement logs. 

Student Measure #1 

ParentSquare communication logs of All Students will be monitored by Staff, with an overall improvement of increase 10.00 % reciprocal communication and event attendance by the end of the plan. 

Strategies and Actions 

Communication: Increase two-way communication in the areas of career readiness and lifelong learning to encourage parent participation in success planning for students and school programs that involve groups of students. 

Action Steps 

Adult Measures 

Participation of All Staff will be monitored by Principal and curriculum Director, with an overall improvement of increase 30.00 % by the end of the plan. 

Action Steps 

Goal 4

By 06/30/2027 New Lebanon Schools will improve the performance of All Students, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade, Tenth Grade, and Ninth Grade students at/in New Lebanon Local School District to increase 7.00 indicators met in Math using State Report Card - Indicators Met. 

Student Measure #1 

Every Semester, Math - MAP Testing of All Students will be monitored by Classroom Teacher/s and curriculum Director, with an overall improvement of 25.00 % by the end of the plan. 

Strategies and Actions 

Formative Instructional Practices: Implementation of evidence-based instructional strategies to increase student achievement and growth in the district determined essential learning standards. Stakeholders will leverage technology to enhance and measure achievement 

Action Steps 

Adult Measure #1 

Every Quarter, Math - Participation of All Staff will be monitored by the Principal and curriculum Director, with an overall improvement of 30.00 % by the end of the plan

Action Steps

Goal 5

By 06/30/2027 we will improve the performance of All Students at/in New Lebanon Local School District to increase 10.00 % in Positive, Tier I Behavior using Discipline Occurrence data. 

Student Measure #1 

Every Semester, Discipline - 2 or fewer major infractions of All Students will be monitored by the Principal, with an overall improvement of increase 10.00 % by the end of the plan. 

5.4. Strategies and Actions 

PBIS: Implementation of evidence-based Student Success programs to increase positive academic and behavioral outcomes 

Action Steps 

Adult Measure #1 

Every Semester, Behavior - staff use of PBIS strategies of All Staff will be monitored by the Principal and curriculum Director, with an overall improvement of increase 30.00 % by the end of the plan. 

Action Steps