Board of Education
The School Board is a policy-making body and acts only when it is in session. The New Lebanon Board of Education is legally responsible for the educational functions of the school district. The School Board formulates operating policies concerning the employment of all personnel, pupil personnel services, educational programs, district finance, building programs, instructional materials, and public relations.
School Board members are elected representatives of the citizens of the New Lebanon Local School District and are responsive to the needs and concerns of the community members. The Board of Education is scheduled to meet once a month at 5:30 p.m. Parents and residents are cordially invited to attend school board meetings. Time is provided at each meeting for citizens to address the Board.
People who reside outside the New Lebanon Local School District who wish to speak during public participation must request permission by the Thursday preceding the day of the meeting. Requests may be sent to The request will be forwarded to the president of the board for consideration. Requests must include the topic for the comments and a contact phone number.
The education of its young people has always been a priority for the people of the New Lebanon community. Those elected to serve as members of the School Board work hard at representing their constituency by listening and making choices, which will benefit all the children of the district.
The email address can be used to contact all the members of the Board of Education. We appreciate your input. Please let us know what you think.
This link will give you access to New Lebanon policies hosted by BoardDocs: NLLS Bylaws and Policies
School Board Members (left-right):
Tonya Lankheit (President)
Ron Moore (Vice President)
Stephanie Crawford
Dawn Leonard
Jeff Miller