Special Education

Dixie Special Education: Prevention/Intervention

Our district uses data gathered during benchmark assessments to identify students who may need and benefit from targeted intervention. We maintain grade-level intervention data within the RtI (Response to Intervention) database. Data is reviewed regularly at teacher-based team (TBT) meetings. Student progress is monitored regularly. Intervention programs include ReadLive and MobyMax.

Parents or teachers who have concerns about the progress a specific student is making can ask for a meeting with the student's teachers as part of the intervention assistance team process (IAT).  IAT is the student-specific problem solving team which reviews data for that student and suggests interventions and strategies which may need to be added for continued growth and success. If concerns persistent, the team may make a referral for potential eligibility through Section 504 or special education. 

Dixie Special Education: Evaluation

Students who are referred for an evaluation to determine special education eligibility work with our team to complete assessments to help determine severity of academic skill deficits and need for specially designed instruction. The assessment team members often include the general education teacher(s), intervention specialist, school psychologist, and speech and language pathologist. Additionally, the team may include the occupational therapist and physical therapist. The team has 60 days from receipt of the referral to complete the evaluation. Evaluation team reports (ETRs) document the team's findings and the team's determination for eligibility for services. 

Dixie Special Education: Services

Preschool: Preschoolers who have been referred and assessed for special education services and are determined to be eligible may be provided services in preschool through 2 different means: itinerant services or our AM/PM preschool classes. Itinerant services are provided on Fridays by our preschool teacher and speech-language pathologist. These typically occur with the student working with our staff to develop skills to help with the transition into our preschool classroom. Although some preschoolers who attend other sites and are eligible for services may be provided services at their site. These decisions are IEP team decisions.

Grades Kindergarten - 12th+ grades: Students who have been referred and assessed for special education services and are determined to be eligible for services may be provided with different service options based upon specific needs. 

Services include:

Coteaching -an intervention specialist and general education teach work collaboratively to instruct and assess in content. 

Academic Assistance/Support -an intervention specialist works with students on IEP goals during this time spent outside of the general education classroom. During academic assistance/support, students also work on classroom assignments and/or homework help, on test preparation and review, and on allowable accommodations which are provided for assessments.

Cross-categorical Classroom -students with significant impairments and/or with the need for significantly modified curriculum may have some or several classes within the intervention specialist's cross-categorical classroom. Generally, instruction follows Ohio's Extended Content Standards with connections made to grade-level content. 

Speech & language therapy services -our speech and language pathologist works with students in small groups within the therapy area or as a center, or small group, within the general education classroom to address issues with sound production, phonemic awareness, listening, comprehension, and language processing.

Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) -teams may develop behavior plans to provide targeted feedback and interventions to assist with skills development.

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